At a (thrilling, thrilling) corporate meeting this morning I sipped on the most delicious water I've ever tasted. And as my mind wandered I began to notice the bottle in my hand, admiring its shape and intricacies. Sitting in that meeting I fantasized about serving this water at my wedding (it's green afterall, with an old-world feel). Well, the moment I got back to my desk I began madly searching for this delicious, beautiful water. Not to my surpirse this
New Zealand gem is DAMN expensive. (Sadness.) But, as the bottle sat in my window as the days rolled on and the sun made its way around the sky scrappers, it hit me. Vases. VASES.

I spent the next few hours visiting each employee in our office chittchatting, smoozing, and damn near begging for their bottle. I now have 14 in total. I feel like a wedding-planning, design-loving, tree-hugging goddess right now.
PPS: Turns out I'm not the only person who's admired this bottle.