January 26, 2010

instantly better.

It's raining here in Los Angeles. Again. If I were home, I'd be in cute flannel PJ's with my cute puppy and my equally cute husband. But instead I'm processing invoices. In a high rise. In downtown LA. My mood is nothing short of dismal. Well, I guess I should say I felt dismal. That is until my cool friend reminded me about a little blog that's like an instant shot in the arm of my-life-is-so-much-better-than-yours juice. Now, my only dilemma is deciding which is my favorite... (thanks, super cool friend)

Here are my top faves so far:

"and then when she swallowed her birth control with a shot of vodka and looked in my direction, i knew it was time to go."

"just fyi, hangover + ice skates = really bad idea"

"I'm stoned in an empty parking lot listening to dave matthews while looking for a lighter... I feel like I sent this 7 years ago."

"two words: eviction party"