This morning on the dreaded Facebook one acquaintance said to another something to the affect of, "You look absolutely fabulous. Following your dreams has certainly done well for you. Blah, blah, blah." And suddenly there I was mid-coffee sip, panic stricken. 'Cause it was then I realized, "F (!), I am not following my dreams (!)".
But, WAIT, it gets deeper.
See, the problem is not that I gave up on my dreams to face reality, or anything as cliche as that. The problem is, once I realized my original, childish dreams were no longer valid, I forgot to write new ones. I forgot that even as we grow older and gain responsibility and face challenges, we still have to have dreams. And not life-goals... that's too practical for what I'm looking for. I want pie-in-the-sky, rock-on-a-hammock-all-morning-&-fantasize type dreams.
So, I'm thinking now. Thinking hard about what my dreams are, because frankly, although my life looks a little different from what I thought it would as a child, my life is Pretty. F-ing. Great. And I have a sneaking suspicion one could look at me and say, too, "You look absolutely fabulous. Following your dreams has certainly done well for you." But first, I need to figure out what following my dreams looks like...
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