one girl's exploration of who she is + the things she loves + the nutty events that = her life.
January 6, 2011
creating your life
I've had this quote in my view for quite sometime. It sits on a small seagrass board with various other tidbits that speak to me. I have a hard time grasping these specific words, though. Intellectually I get it. I agree. Spiritually, however...
I am probably contemplating this more because it is a new year. Because I want my goals to be clearer. Because I, like every other trained actor, was told just the opposite for years and years. But now, I know I've got to wrangle in all those passions.
So, I'm taking steps. Making notes. It's January 6th and I'm still considering what the Resolutions on my list will be. But that's okay right? Sometimes it takes more than a few days to write such lists. Sometimes it takes years of staring at the same words... for them to finally... sink... in.
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