I begin any new search by looking at the natural, organic, simplest way of doing things. While looking for a dining room rug for our new home, I did a search that landed us a lovely flor faux-AstroTurf number. With health, I always take the holistic approach first. So, of course it made sense to begin my thoughts about maybe / possibly considering motherhood with a google search of organic pregnancy. It came as no surprise a book has already been written with that title (well, almost). I must say, while I clicked further into this title, The Complete Organic Pregnancy, I did so with a healthy (or more than healthy) amount of green-washing scepticism. However, once I came across an article at Sustainable Table, which seems to be written by the book's two authors, I was sold. My heart / soul / female-self said yes, yes, yes. It's a simple few words that struck a cord, but here they are... in all their fifteen word goodness:
Pregnancy is an opportunity for a woman to reform her life and seek ultimate wellness...
Again, they're simple words. And a simple idea. But for who I am, where I am, at THIS moment in my life, those few words made my heart sing. Guess it's time to get reading...