June 9, 2010

the baby space


We love where we live. And something told me when we first moved into our 1 bedroom bungalow that this would be where we had our first (if only) child. I've ran across a number of design posts about making it work in a one bedroom gracefully. But nothing has tickled my fancy more than Jordan Ferney's genius for her son on oh happy day. And it's transition from baby to toddler closet (read: room) is just delightful.

{ images via oh happy day }

June 4, 2010

And the winner is...

... lovely, lovely San Francisco. For its foggy goodness, delicious food, culture, walkability, and best of all... its a short drive up from Los Angeles. I predict a fabulous 3 day birthday weekend.

PS: Finding out a neighborhood's Walk Score is endlessly fascinating to me.

{ image via SF Chronicle }

June 1, 2010

the birthday

A few days ago my husband surprised me with the news that we're heading out of town for my 31st birthday. Hooray, hooray. Details are still up in the air, but here are our options:




Obviously, I am pulling for NYC (I have not been back since I moved home to Los Angeles in 2006). But, with only three days to play I'm not sure that's enough time to get in everything & everyone I will want / need / desire to do / see / have. Oh, NYC... I {heart} you.

{ images via: Vancouver, Seattle, SF, NYC (NYC & Company) }