August 26, 2010

L.A Street Food Festival

While waiting in line at the L.A Street Food Festival back in July, Nick & I were approached by reporter, Krista Simmons, asking questions & snapping pictures. She followed us as we made our way through the line, us posing between shuffles forward. All the while asking us who we were, why we were here, why we loved food trucks, and such and such. She was sweet. And fun. And we got our photo taken, so that's cool.

Fast forward a week and I receive an email from a young-ish, hip coworker who does not usually grace my Inbox. All it includes is a sassy comment and link to the LA Times. Turns out, we made the paper. Well, not the PAPER, but the news. The only hiccup? Let me see if you can guess:
The Twitterati have transformed these road stoves into something much more than a place to find cheap, unique eats; they're now a meeting point for young singles to connect. A collision of technology, food and followers, the food truck phenomenon has become like a roving dating service and street meat market.
We're the headline photo, but WE'RE MARRIED. Ooops. I guess if you don't look closely you could overlook Nick's wedding ring. But, I'm not complaining... we're suckers for seeing our faces in print.