January 17, 2011

When Chocolate is Bad

Today I took this fella to the vet. He has a chocolate-y smelling ear. (I know... )

We waited for the doctor to arrive and Perry was oh so sweet and calm, hugging tightly to my side as I stood by the table. When the doctor finally came in, I explained the mysterious chocolate-scented ear, making sure to point out his perfect-seeming health otherwise. We chatted constantly and openly during the exam. But, as the doctor looked deep inside this little fella's ear I could tell something was not right. It was at this point that the doctor stopped speaking, looked me square in the eye and said, "you can do better."

We can do better? My heart sank. Deep.

Suffice it to say, it's only a little infection and he'll be fine in a few days with some medicine, but gosh did those words ever strike deep. (Sorry little fella)