July 13, 2009

define 'wedding' please.

This whole wedding-thing is curious. My quiet, driving force this entire planning process has been in effort to reclaim my event from the wedding industry. As if: Nick asks me to marry him, I say 'yes', and suddenly that moment lifts in a cloud above our heads, away from our grasp, and rushes determinedly towards The Wedding Industry.

Whooosh. It's gone.

It took me a while to find our wedding once it had left our grasp. But my trick? I claimed the day back. In writing. For all to see. But, most important, for ME to see. For me to see when I let my design-self take over and begin obssessing over the shape of a vase. Or the bathroom candles.

this is not the day of our dreams,
but rather the day when we make
one of the most serious commitments of our lifetime
(followed by one hell of a good party)

(And take a peek... it looks lovely on our wedding website.)